Saturday, 17 December 2011

MMA Striking Coach Course!

"The Functional MMA Striking Coach Course is excellent for martial artists and instructors that want to gain a greater understanding of the key elements to develop maximum power and control of power - as well as the mental game plan required to achieve their training and competing goals. Since completing the course I feel I am much better equipped to assess and develop my students through gaining a more complete understanding of kinetic body mechanics and also through being more aware of learning processes and the communication skills required to transfer knowledge much more effectively.

Big thanks to Alan who does an exceptional job of delivering the course in a very fun and interesting way. Highly recommended for all intermediate and advanced martial arts practitioners!"

Sai Jun Mak
"It's difficult to express succinctly all the benefits of the Warrior Functional MMA striking Course but I'll do my best

If you want to learn how to strike with power without getting injured.
If you want to teach others to do the same.
If you want the tools to coach others to develop themselves from basic physical fitness to advanced MMA striking and conditioning.

If you want an introduction to amazing conditioning tools like kettlebells and Clubbells.
And if you want to do all this in a systematic way in an enjoyable environment with one of the very best teachers to be found in the UK.. Then don't hesitate. This course is for you!

On November 19 and 20 I attended the first ever MMA striking coach course. I was so impressed with the quality of the material covered in this course, from principles of power development, body alignment, mental focus etc etc and a solid basic stand up game battle tested in the cage with proper training guidelines.

Personally I really liked the drills on how to develop kinetic links in your body.

Sifu Alan Orr has a wealth of experience in Martial Arts and did not leave a stone unturned, this course is profound and very well researched. It does not teach your some techniques and tools but principles and concepts that will impact your understanding on striking forever.

I can highly recommend this course to anybody – regardless which Martial Arts you practice and if you are a trainer or student – it will improve your game for sure.

Steven Wang - Singapore
As a personal trainer I thought I knew a lot about coaching clients, but Alan’s Functional MMA Striking course showed me how much more there is to learn! There’s simply nothing as comprehensive out there. On a physical level, we covered everything from padwork combinations, to the development of power to the latest in biomechanical conditioning methods. On the emotional level, we learned how to dig deeper into our physical resources while maintaining skill levels under pressure. On the mental level, Alan showed how to use cutting-edge neuroscience and Jungian psychology to improve coaching skills and therefore my client’s performane. All in all, a systematic mixture of theory and tough physical training. The result? My ability to teach solid striking technique and hold the pads for my clients has improved exponentially. Many thanks Alan, I look forward to taking things to the next level!

Friday, 9 December 2011

Monday, 5 December 2011

Duane guys doing it again. 5 Medals

Well done to Duane and his guys!

Aire Valley Martial Arts at the British NoGi Open with 5 medals from 5 entries

Daniel Seaton (bronze), Ben Leedham(bronze) , Martin Blenkarn(bronze),
Duane Harper(coach) , Keef Woods(silver) , Harry Jarman(silver)

Friday, 21 October 2011

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Monday, 12 September 2011

Peter Irving Interview for his next fight!

Peter talks to the fight lounge about his next title fight

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Chinese Boxing Seminar - Keighley

Duane Harper one of my top students is teaching a CSL Chinese Boxing seminar next saturday 23rd July 1.30pm to 4:30pm.

Aire Valley Martial Arts
Top Floor
The Mill
Greengates Rd
BD21 5LH

Friday, 15 July 2011

Summer Camp Training

Great Summer Camp training this year.

Covered - Wrestling Drills - BJJ Principles and Drills - Wing Chun Chi Sao - Chinese Boxing for MMA - Mind Skills and a lot more

Well done guys!

Monday, 6 June 2011

Grading - Alan Orr - Peter Irving - Duane Harper

Proud day for our group!

BJJ Master Leo Negao gave -

Peter Irving his Black Belt

Duane Harper his Brown Belt

Alan Orr his Brown Belt

The training over the last few years has be very hard but lots of fun. Now the really hard training has started... fun times... I think lol

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Grading today - BJJ with our Master Leo Negao

Big day today BJJ grading with Master Leo Negao at Urban Kings

12.00 in the gym.

Update soon with results

Monday, 16 May 2011

This is why I am so proud of my teacher

My teacher Robert Chu Sifu picking up is BJJ Blue Belt. I am so proud to have such an open minded teacher. My teacher is a master of Wing Chun as well as many other arts. But he is still keeping up with the direction of martial arts into MMA in order to be aware student needs and his own personal growth.

I titled this as 'why I am so proud', but really it is only one of many reasons!

More Medals !!

Update from Duane Harper

He had his guys enter BJJ comp last week.

Harry Jarman won Gold!

James Beveridge won Silver!

Michael Sunderland won Silver!

Matthew Mount won Bronze!

Great results. Well done guys. Also very well done to Duane! He is an excellent teacher and a credit to our family

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Well Done Kieron

Kieron has had a busy few months.

He had a big Semi Pro MMA win in London at 10th Legion 7 in March

But one to take it easy he returned to battle at 10th Legion 8 in Hull

After a very tough fight Kieron's fight ended as a Split Draw

It was a very close fight. Kieron rocked his opponent in the first round and was in charge for the first half, the second half his opponent pulled back some ground. A close first round. Second round was all Kieron and the third was his opponents.

So all in all a great fight for both fighters.

Well done Kieron. We are all very proud!!

Also well done to Branch Head Instructor Duane and also training partner James for getting our Kieron in shape for war.

Iron Wolves aarrccooooooo00000!!!!

Monday, 28 March 2011

Leo and Pete training

Iron Wolves Win Big Again at 10th Legion 7

Iron Wolves Peter Irving, Simon Liste, Kieran Coxan and Leo Negao rocked the Scala London Kings Cross at 10th Legion 7

Well done to the guys!

Very proud of you all.

Monday, 7 February 2011

Last 2 weeks

Been working a lot of wrestling with Peter Irving. Both feeling strong and tired! lol

Striking skills and sparring. Working on new CSL MMA Boxing skills.

Excellent privates with Leo as always. Can really feel some changes in my BJJ.

Classes have been fun. Advance methods in Chi Sao are now becoming clear to the guys, which is nice too see.

Conditioning focus and drilling coming in the next few weeks!

Winter Camp

Great weekend of training.

Covered Advance Chi Sao skills

Advance Sparring methods

Dummy Form and correct understanding of its use

BJJ - Lots of rolling - also covered positioning and passing

Good to see the guy on the weekend all grow and develop a deeper level of Wing Chun

Well done!