Certified Kettlebell Teacher Level I
Fitness Movement Dynamics Level II
London, England
London, England - July 2009
Certified Kettlebell Teacher Level I
Fitness and Movement Dynamics Level II
London, England
Date and Time:
Level I
July 11-12, 2009
9:30 am - 5:00 pm both days
Level II
July 13-14, 2009
9:30 am - 5:00 pm both days
Crystal Palace National Sports Centre
Ledrington Rd, London, England
Level I ₤700 ($1059 USD)
Level II ₤700 ($1059 USD)
Level I and II together ₤1225 ($1,854 USD)
For additional information contact ken.blackburn@ikff.net or kathy.martinez@ikff.net
It's no secret that kettlebells have proven themselves to be one of the most effective training tools in existence for developing every attribute on the physical/athletic continuum – strength, endurance, core strength, agility, flexibility and the list goes on. However, there really hasn't been a comprehensive system that brings together the all the benefits kettlebells have to offer. Until now! - that is where the CKT certification comes in!
What will you learn at a CKT certification?
* The core Kettlebell lifts and all their variations!
* How to properly execute all of the competition lifts involved in Russian Kettlebell Sport – swing, snatch, clean, jerk, clean and jerk.
* How you can still achieve all of your fitness goals despite the challenge of limited time
* How to design a program for any fitness goal you or your clients may have – strength, endurance, work capacity, muscle mass, mobility etc.
* The necessary drills needed to help ensure you and your clients learn all the lifts safely
* The multiple types of energy needed for powerful pressing and squatting
* The importance of training for “time” and how it can take your “work capacity” through the roof!
* How kettlebells train your body to effectively manage any type of force encountered in the real world
* How to create the “blueprint” necessary for achieving mastery in Russian Kettlebell sport
* Why kettlebells make you more resistant to injury
* How kettlebells can be combined with other training methods to develop un-matched athleticism (more on this in the FMD certification!)
* Why learning to regulate your tension is a huge must in improving your lifts and athleticism
* And much more!